Ziggy by the Sea

Ziggy by the Sea
Keltic Lodge, Cape Breton National Park, Ingonish Beach, Nova Scotia

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

New York City to Maine

We continued our lengthy walks around Manhattan with Ziggy, who continued to attract attention from normally taciturn locals as well as from tourists from all over the world.  In the picture he is waiting patiently (in the rain) outside Starbucks while we update the blog.  In Bloomindale's, where we stopped for lunch, a woman visiting from Canada invited Ziggy to go walking with her red-colored standard poodle, Scarlet, when we get to Montreal.   We have her number and Ziggy is looking forward to it.   In the crowded plaza in front of the Apple Store on Fifth Avenue, a woman speaking Italian took one look at Ziggy, whipped out her i-phone and started to snap pictures of him.  Within seconds five or six others were doing the same, prompting the Italian woman to turn and say "paparazzi".   That said it all.  

Similar things happened everywhere we took Ziggy, including (see picture) Ziggy at the Met (why does this make me think of an Elton John song?).

Tuesday night we saw Curtains, with David Hyde Pierce.  A musical who-done-it which was great fun.  Wednesday we got last minute ticket to The Country Girl, a Clifford Odets play with Morgan Freeman, Frances McDormand, and Peter Gallagher, directed by Mike Nichols.  Not a lot of action by today's standards, but wonderful to see these actors.

Wednesday night, we saw the ultimate Gypsy with Patty Lupone as Mama Rose.  Nobody does it better.  Thursday night, In the Heights, a Hispanic Hip Hop Musical set in New York's Washington Heights, up for the Tony.  A great way to spend our last night in New York City.  

Friday morning we fetched the car, though Ziggy had his eye on a limo parked in front of the hotel.

The doorman thought Ziggy was so stylish he only needed a hat to complete his debonair look (see photo).

We headed for the Hudson River Valley, stopping at

the Cloisters along the way.  

We got to Poughkeepsie and toured Vassar College, which has a lovely art museum as well as its beautiful campus.  We considered this part of Ziggy's college tour. 

Saturday morning we toured Hyde Park, FDR's home.  There was a special military program with bands and WWII enactments for the Memorial Day weekend.  Ziggy enjoyed all the event and lined up to get dog tags.  On to the Vanderbilt Mansion 

nearby, the smallest of the family's mansions at only 50,000 square feet.  It was a little formal for our tastes, though the views of the Hudson were gorgeous.  

We drove on from there heading towards Maine, passing through Connecticut, stopping for the night in Auburn, Mass.  The next day we went on passing around Boston, through part of New Hampshire, to

get to Maine, where our first stop was at the Maine Diner, famous for their lobster rolls.  Ziggy had to wait outside while we were able to initiate our lobster roll tour of the state.

We spent the night at the Kineston Inn in Boothbay, Maine, where Susie and Ziggy passed some pleasant time on the veranda.  After attending the local Memorial Day Parade--Ziggy loves parades--we hit the road for our next destination, the Pilgrim's Inn on Deer Isle, a beautiful spot where we plan to spend two or three days.  On the way, we stopped for lunch in Camden, where we continued our lobster roll sampling.


Unknown said...

I've been reading your posts and it sounds like a great trip. Following your leadI checked out takefido.com and found out the dogs are allowed at quail lodge in carmel so we took Shadow there this weekend. She was pretty well behaved, although she went into the water traps on the golf course several times......not your best golfing etiquette.

paula/jack said...

From the fabulous accountings of your trip and the elegant photos...life couldn't be better for both of you and of course the star, Ziggy! Were you able to give him a bit of the lobster or only the bread??
My kids in class are truly enjoying following Ziggy as he travels with his pals across North America...Paula

paula/jack said...

New pics are beautiful, you all look so relaxed and happy! Love the photo of Sus and Zig on the adirondacks! quite a life for Ziggy...don't know if he will be happy any longer on the deck at Inverness! You may have to buy him his own chaise or his own king size bed!
lots of love...p&j